How To Juggle - Step by step guide for beginners
For all of the visual learners, here is a video to accompany the guide:
What you will need:
Three similarly-sized objects: Ideally you will want to use beanbags that fit comfortably in your hand. Tennis balls can work, but are relatively light and tend to bounce all over the place.
You can purchase my Signature Juggling Balls Here (10% with code: NICKT) or you can also buy them on Amazon.
Step 1: Starting with One Ball
Hold the Ball in One Hand: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your elbows bent at a 90-degree angle, close to your sides.
Throw to the Opposite Hand: Toss the ball in an arc at about eye level and catch it in your other hand (make sure to look slightly upwards, not staring at your hands).
Repeat: Focus on creating a smooth and consistent motion.
Step 2: Progress to Two Balls
Hold One Ball in Each Hand: Start with your dominant hand (the hand you write with).
Throw the First Ball: Toss it in the same arc as before.
Throw the Second Ball: Just before the first ball reaches its peak, toss the second ball in a similar arc (think of it as throwing the ball underneath where the previous ball went).
Catch Both Balls: Catch the first ball, then the second ball, in the opposite hands.
Practice the Motion: Repeat this until the movements feel natural, and then work on starting with the other hand.
Juggling 3 Balls:
Start with Two Balls in Your Dominant Hand: Hold one ball in your non-dominant hand.
Throw the First Ball: With your dominant hand, Toss one ball in an arc toward your non-dominant hand.
Throw the Second Ball: Just like before, when the first ball reaches its peak, toss the ball from your non-dominant hand.
Throw the Third Ball: When the second ball is at its peak, toss the third ball.
Catch the Third Ball: You should now have two balls in your non-dominant hand, with one in your dominant hand
Work on starting with just the three throws until it starts to feel comfortable, then start adding more throws and catches!